What does it mean to be a good neighbour?

Being a good neighbor means considering others. 

We strive to be respectful, aware, and approachable. We aim to do the right thing, and to always keep in mind the full lifecycle of our projects. Being a good neighbour is a vital part of who we are, helping us operate in Saskatchewan for years to come. 

We demonstrate our commitment to being a good neighbour through:

Community Partnerships

We seek to build meaningful and purposeful community investment partnerships that will positively impact our neighbours for generations to come. We encourage volunteerism, supporting our employees so that they can give back in a fulfilling way.   

We feel differently about community investment. For us, it’s less about “donations” or “sponsorships,” and more about adding purpose to everything we say and do. Together with our partners, we’re able to build stronger communities through purposeful action.


We demonstrate responsible environmental stewardship in our operations. We consider the full lifecycle of our facilities, with the goal of sustainable, future-oriented development, protecting local biodiversity, and proactively managing environmental outcomes. 

We identify and assess potential interactions of our business with people and the environment, applying appropriate mitigation measures, and actively monitoring and managing our operations at all stages to ensure protection of the areas we work in.

Indigenous Relations

We are committed to building and maintaining meaningful relationships with local Indigenous Peoples and communities in the regions were K+S Potash Canada operates.

We strive to engage local Indigenous communities in all areas of our business. As an employer, we aim to create an inclusive and diverse workforce that is representative of Indigenous Peoples in the areas in which we work. Through our procurement practices we continuously look to build opportunities for Indigenous businesses. Within our supply chain and within our community investment initiatives we support local Indigenous communities and other Indigenous-led organizations in Saskatchewan.

K+S Potash Canada is committed to developing and sustaining positive relationships with local Indigenous people and communities by proactively exploring ways to continually improve upon our work throughout a broad spectrum of our daily business activities.

Our Commitments

  • KSPC is committed to having long lasting and deeply rooted relationships with the local Indigenous people and communities in the regions where we work
  • KSPC is committed to employing a leadership team and workforce that endorses these commitments and strives to engage local Indigenous people and communities such that KSPC becomes a primary example for other organizations to follow
  • KSPC is committed to employing a diverse workforce that is representative of Indigenous people, reflective of the overall populations of locations within which KSPC operates, and is educated about KSPC’s local Indigenous communities
  • KSPC is committed to being a respectful environmental steward of the treaty territory on which its mine operates
  • KSPC is committed to sourcing and aligning the direct procurement opportunities of KSPC, as well as the indirect procurement opportunities of KSPC’s contractors, to local Indigenous businesses with a goal of further developing local Indigenous business capacity for long term mutual benefits of the local Indigenous communities and KSPC
  • KSPC is committed to supporting community investment opportunities that align with the values of local Indigenous communities and of KSPC